Seminar on Israel

From 1998 to 2000, I myself was fully engrossed in the “End Times” literature of prominent authors like Hal Lindsey, Tim LaHaye, and the C.I. Scofield Reference Bible. These books and Bible were widely accepted in the Brethren Community where I was raised, and I embraced their teachings (Dispensational Theology)  without critically examining them or comparing them to Scripture and other scholarly resources.

Over time, I came to realize that these books are filled with sensationalism and are often designed to evoke fear, manipulating Christians and contributing to real-world consequences for the people of the Middle East.

This is reminiscent of how certain interpretations of scripture have been distorted to justify occupation, oppression, and injustice in Israel/Palestine—an interpretation that stands in stark contrast to the messages of the Hebrew prophets and the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Like many others, I was initially unaware and blindly supportive of Israel until my perspective shifted and eyes opened.

The seven Bible questions presented here offer an opportunity to explore what Scripture truly says about the end times. These insights can guide you toward constructive, Christ-like responses to injustice, fostering understanding rather than exacerbating conflict and overlooking the suffering on both sides.
The following topics will be discussed in the video presentation:
• God blesses those who bless Israel and curses those who curse Israel.
• The Jewish people are God's chosen people.
• The “Promised Land” was given by God to the Jewish people as an everlasting inheritance.
• Jerusalem is the exclusive and undivided, eternal capital of the Jewish people.
• The Jewish Temple must be rebuilt before Jesus returns.
• Believers will soon be 'raptured' to heaven before the 'end-time' battle of Armageddon.
• God has a separate plan for the Jewish people apart from the Church.
• Heretical Teachings of Christian Zionism
• The Scofield Bible's False Future Jewish Temple
• Christian Zionism: The Root of All Evil?
• Should We Side with Israel or Palestine?
• Impartiality and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
• Video: Now I see that God shows no partiality": Israel Vs Palestine
• Is the Church the True Israel of God?
• The Place of Israel
• Seven Biblical Answers to Popular Assumptions about Israel and the Church
Details article on Scofiled Bible Click Here 
Watch Here Another Seminar on Rebuilding of Third Temple :


 Exposing the Zionist Lie: Christ is Truth, Christ is Israel



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