Early Christianity - And Development of Denominations and Movements
Early Christianity
- 33 AD: The New Testament Church emerges with the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
- 1054 AD: The Great Schism divides the Church into the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church.
- 1517 AD: Martin Luther initiates the Protestant Reformation with the publication of his 95 Theses, challenging the practices and authority of the Roman Catholic Church.
- 1519 AD: Ulrich Zwingli begins the Swiss Reformation, focusing on the authority of Scripture and the simplicity of worship.
- 1529 AD: The Anglican Church is established in England, breaking away from the Roman Catholic Church under the leadership of King Henry VIII.
Major Protestant Denominations
- 1517 AD: Founded by Martin Luther.
- Key Beliefs: Justification by faith alone, the authority of Scripture, the priesthood of all believers.
- 1519 AD: Founded by Ulrich Zwingli and later developed by John Calvin.
- Key Beliefs: Predestination, the sovereignty of God, the importance of the church.
- 1529 AD: Established by King Henry VIII.
- Key Beliefs: A blend of Catholic and Protestant traditions, the authority of Scripture and the Book of Common Prayer.
Pietist Movement:
- 1609 AD: Emerged within Lutheranism, emphasizing personal piety and social action.
- Key Figures: Philipp Jakob Spener, August Hermann Francke.
Anabaptist Movement:
- 16th Century: Began as a radical wing of the Reformation, emphasizing adult baptism and separation from the world.
- Key Groups: Mennonites, Amish, Hutterites.
Puritan Movement:
- 16th and 17th Centuries: A group of English Protestants who sought to purify the Church of England from Catholic practices.
- JohnKey Figures: Calvin, Martin Luther.
- 19th Century: Emphasized sanctification and a second work of grace.
- Key Groups: Methodists, Nazarenes, Pentecostals.
- 16th and 17th Centuries: Emphasized believer's baptism by immersion and the autonomy of the local church.
- Key Groups: Southern Baptist, American Baptist, Baptist General Conference.
- 20th Century: Emphasized the baptism in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues.
- Key Groups: Assemblies of God, Church of God in Christ, Vineyard Movement.
Note: This is a simplified overview, and there are many other denominations and movements within Christianity. If you'd like to explore a specific denomination or movement in more detail.
Download these two comprehensive e-books for your personal use.
1.Systematic Theology An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine
by Wayne Grudem Pages: 1975 File: ePUB ,
2. The Complete Guide to Christian Denominations
Understanding the History, Beliefs, and Differences by Ron Rhods
Pages: 250 File ePUB