The Gospel in the Hands of Extremists




When we think about radicalism, it’s common to associate it with radical Islam, but many would be shocked to learn that there are radicals in Christianity as well. One of the most troubling examples is Christian Zionism. This movement, influenced by Dispensational Theology and misguided Bible interpretations (like the Schofield Bible), has led some Western Christians to take extreme positions. This theology has contributed to a mindset that fails to discern between justice and injustice, right and wrong.          

The Danger of Misinterpreting the Bible

On one hand, these Christians preach the love of Christ, but on the other, they support violence and the killing of innocents in the name of the "God of the Bible." This distorted view portrays God as a warrior who supports nations that commit acts of aggression, even genocide, all to seize land and build a temple. This contradicts the very nature of God as revealed in the Bible.

The idea of God endorsing such violence is not only ridiculous, but it also turns the gospel into a tool for political agendas. Much of this theology was shaped by white supremacy and is deeply politically motivated, far removed from the Bible’s message of love, justice, and mercy. As Isaiah 1:17 says, "Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed."                                                                  

Zionism vs. the Teachings of Jesus

Many Christians have been manipulated into believing in this dangerous form of Zionism. Yet, this ideology goes completely against the nature and teachings of God. In the Bible, Jesus constantly emphasized love, mercy, and forgiveness. For instance, in Matthew 5:9, He says, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God."

Support for violent actions or the displacement of people in the name of God is the opposite of the gospel message. It is a theology built on political motives, not on the heart of God. Romans 12:21 reminds us, "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." The Bible calls us to love our enemies, not support their destruction.

What Palestinian Christians Are Saying

Many Palestinian Christians today are speaking out against Christian Zionism because they are living the consequences of this extreme theology. They are calling on Christians worldwide to open their eyes and hearts, to return to the teachings of Christ, and to repent of supporting violence in the name of God. In the Bible, James 3:17 says, "But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere."

It's time for Christians to acknowledge this false theology, renounce it, and return to the true gospel of Jesus—a gospel of love, peace, and justice. Micah 6:8 gives us this clear command: "He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."

Final Thought

Christian Zionism is a dangerous theology that twists the message of the Bible to fit a political agenda. The Bible’s true message is about love, justice, and peace. Matthew 22:37-40 sums it up: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind... and love your neighbor as yourself." This is the heart of the gospel, and anything that contradicts it, especially ideologies that promote violence or injustice, must be rejected.  

Sabir Ali

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