Rabbi Tovia Singer

Rabbi Tovia Singer stands as a prominent figure in Jewish apologetics, just like the stature of Ahmed Deedad and Zakir Naik in Islamic apologetics. His primary mission is to uphold the authenticity of Judaism and its sacred texts, particularly challenging Christian interpretations of Old Testament Messianic prophecies and the New Testament narrative concerning Jesus. It is very interesting to note that while this Rabbi is trying to refute all Messianic quotations in the New Testament, at the same time Muslim apologetics are deliberately trying to push Muhammad into the Bible. What a challenge for Christians to answer to these two religions!

It's noteworthy that, despite my general aversion to the works of Muslim apologists, I've found myself drawn to Rabbi Tovia's presentations. His articulate arguments possess a compelling force that could sway those within the Christian fold who harbor uncertainties regarding the reliability of their faith's foundational texts. Though I don't deny there are deliberate misinterpretations and mistranslations of Old Testament verses by some Christian scholars, it is good to know some of their scripture from their perspective to have some better ideas and come back to the New Testament to have better clarity.
This Rabbi is not as harsh as Ahmed Deeda and Zakir Naik. The reason I found in one of his videos is that he knows that there are millions of Christians who are pro-Israel because of Dispensational Theology; ( A man made J.N.Darby imaginational based theology) therefore, he isn't too harsh on these Christians because he knows they're important allies for Israel. Nonetheless, he vehemently asserts his belief with a very strong message that Christianity is nothing but a pagan religion, its gospels are not authoritative, and Trinity is an idolatry.
Despite the Rabbi's persuasive rhetoric, I remain resolute in my adherence to the Gospels, the teachings of Christ, and the Pauline letters. The words of Jesus are much more powerful than the laws of Moses and David. The teachings of Jesus are life-changing and reach to the very heart of the hearer. Only the Gospel of Jesus Christ can transform the lives of people, not the Law of Moses and the Old Testament Covenant.
While Rabbi Tovia advocates for the anticipation of a future Messiah, I find my allegiance firmly rooted in the historical figure of Jesus Christ. His life, death, and resurrection, as documented in the Gospels, serve as the cornerstone of my faith. I am compelled to follow the path laid out by Christ, whose divine authority and salvific mission have been confirmed through miraculous deeds and his ultimate triumph over death. Why should I anticipate a different Messiah as per Rabbi or Muslim's anticipation for Mehdi, whom the world does not know but a historical Christ the annotated one is much better known today?
While Rabbi Tovia Singer presents a compelling case for the Jewish faith and challenges aspects of Christian doctrine, my unwavering conviction in the Gospel narrative and the personhood of Jesus Christ remains unshaken. He is the embodiment of truth and the gateway to eternal life, a conviction that transcends any theological debate or scholarly discourse.
Sabir Ali
A follower of the True Israel, Yeshua Masaiha for all .



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